Blm handbook h 8100 1
blm 8100 manual
E. BLM Manual Section 8120 Tribal Consultation Under Cultural Resource Authorities F. BLM Manual Handbook H-8120-1 - Guidelines for Conducting Tribal A, B, C- 1. Appendix B: BLM 8100 Manual Series . Memorandum (IM) 2018-034, BLM Handbook H-3120-1 Competitive Leases, or the most current policy. They include but are not limited to the BLM Planning Handbook H - 1601-1 ; BLM BLM Handbook H - 8410-1 , Visual Resource Inventory ; and BLM Manual 8100 BLM applies a “ rule of reason ” in considering how potential effects of BLM actions The BLM State Office also has issued supplemental Manual H - 8100-1H-8120-1 augments 8120 by providing more detailed guidance on consulting with tribes. This is the only handbook in the 8100 Manual series, A-1. Appendix B: BLM 8100 Manual Series . G-1. Appendix H: Undertakings Exempt from SHPO Consultation . As acknowledged in the BLM 8100 Manuals and Handbooks, the NHPA, 36 CFR 800, BLM Handbook H-8120-1, Guidelines for Conducting Tribal Consultation.
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